Tuning in to the many relationships between innovation and music

The Future of Music Is Not Male
Women are demanding respect, autonomy, and credit in an industry that has long rebuffed them.
High Score: How Video Game Music Became the Soundtrack of a Generation
Game music has quietly infiltrated mainstream culture while retaining its unique appeal.
The Rise and Fall of Unusual Instruments
Why did some of the 20th century’s most radically experimental instruments succeed–and others fail?
Steven Johnson: In Conversation With Brian Eno
“Cheating is actually all I ever do.”
Musicians: The Robots Are Coming for Your Jobs
The question isn’t whether robots can do what humans do–it’s about what we value about creativity.
Starting a Band in 2040
Forget jamming in a garage–when the next generation starts to make music, it’ll enter an upside-down industry.
What Does Your Walk Sound Like?
If we can control music with location, why not with movement?
Bots Will Choose Your Music in 2030
The new ubiquity of streaming–from the cloud to your head.
Future Nostalgia: What We’ll Miss When the Music Stops
From the crackle of vinyl to the clipped edges of MP3s, the ways we listen to music influence why we love it.
The History (and Future) of Live Music
From paleolithic flutes and church organs to wearables and virtual reality.
Putting Music on a Map
How about instead of a song playing out over time, it plays out over a space?
Five Pioneering Music Videos That You Need To Check Out
A look at some of the most inventive ways artists have combined sound and vision.
The Future of Music: A Reading List
A crash course in the interplay between music and innovation.
We Made Some Rappers Collaborate With a Rap-Writing AI and Got a Glimpse of the Future of Pop Music
Can a computer truly ever replace human creativity in pop music?
Making Music Hackable Again
A musical instrument designed to be hacked and modified into something new and unexpected.
This Little Recording Studio in the Desert Connects People Across Continents
An international festival for the world’s longest-standing refugee camp.
Five Innovation Podcasts Worth Putting Into Your Ears
Want to know how innovations are changing the world?
Piano Strings Tickled with Electromagnets, Not Hammers
Creating a new tool for composers and performers.
The Drummer Helping Us to Understand Human/Robot Interactions
Mortimer isn’t just a music machine–he’s also a scientific instrument.
Making Music From Bridges, Carrots, Guns, a Pig, and More
Most things can be an instrument, as long as you’re dedicated enough