Discussing how new technologies change how we see ourselves, and each other

Apps Are Helping Keep Indigenous Languages Alive Online
Can smaller, culturally specific languages stay relevant in a modern age? Technology, in the form of language apps, may offer some form of a solution.
Moving Beyond the “Radio Voice”
Humans can learn to understand a huge variety of accents and dialects. So why do we usually hear the same sorts of voices?
Losing the Lifeline Between Scent and Memory
Does losing your sense of smell mean losing a part of your identity?
Why We Shouldn’t Teach Girls to Code
Women shouldn’t be fighting for existing work–they should be inventing, designing, prototyping, and coding a new ideal of what work can be.
Translating Identity Across the Language Barrier
Genderqueer vocabulary in English can be tricky enough–but talking across languages brings both freedoms and restrictions.
Would You Like to Be Uploaded to a Computer When You Die?
Rattling around inside a hard drive doesn’t sound like an awful lot of fun–but then, neither does death.
Are You Being Misled by Your Quantified Self?
Are we letting the technology that records our lives shape what we see as important about them?
When Does an Artificial Intelligence Become a Person?
On artificial intelligence, animal rights, and the frontiers of legal personhood.
YouTube Has Made Asian-Americans Impossible for Hollywood to Ignore
Asian-American representation has always been an issue–but it’s YouTube that’s finally fueling the momentum now.
The Face That Looks Back
On transplants, disfigurements, and identity.