Exploring the energy and electricity sources of tomorrow–which is sooner than you think

A Coal Miner’s Daughter & the End of Fossil Fuels
In a world built by one kind of energy, it’s high time that we were bound for another.
I Tried, and Failed, to Find Out Where My Electricity Comes From
Searching for how I, along with 8.4 million other New Yorkers, receive electricity every month.
The Buses of Tomorrow Will Run on Sewage
Food waste, sewage, and manure are all potent sources of renewable energy.
Sugar Batteries and Fake Leaves Will Light Up Your World
We could combine technology and biology to produce clean, renewable energy–and lots of it.
Watch: How to Power a Refugee Camp
New ways of bringing energy access to everyone who needs it, wherever they are.
Fueling Your Car With Hydrogen Isn’t Green–It’s Gray
Manufacturers are investing in it, but the benefits compared to other forms of car power are mixed.
Fusion: “We’re So Close We Can Taste It”
Atomic Energy Authority head Steve Cowley talks tokamaks, tritium, and the tantalizing prospect of enough power for a billion years.
How One Village Threw Out the Frackers and Went Solar
For the small village of Balcombe, community and collaboration trumped fossil fuel money.
Batteries Not Excluded
The supercomputer in your pocket and your next car rely on them–so what will we do if we run out of lithium?
6 Perpetual Motion Devices That Didn’t Work
Always fake, but not always hoaxes.
In Defense of”¦ Fracking?
It’s low-carbon, halts new drilling, and aids Western interests in the Middle East. Does shale deserve a second chance?
Why Nuclear Energy Isn’t Getting Safer
New reactors became less common after disasters like Chernobyl–with the side effect of also slowing research into new reactor designs.
Solar-Powered Farming, Built in Kenya
Small-scale farmers in Kenya can turn to local innovators for help with climate change.
Energy and Power: A Reading List
A crash course in the future of electricity and energy.
The Stove That Could Turn Rwanda Carbon Negative
Millions of people die every year, killed by their stoves–but that could be about to change.
Victorian Waterwheels Are Being Revived to Generate Hydro Power in Rural Britain
Century-old renewable power is being rediscovered and put to new use.
How the Future of Your Energy Supply Relies on Your Neighbor
Peer-to-peer energy.
France Mandates That All New Roofs Should Have Solar Panels
Should other countries follow suit?
How Gothenburg’s Excess Heat Actually Keeps the City Cool
The city’s district cooling system turns wasted energy into summer coolness.
Gothenburg’s Heating Grid Transforms Garbage into Warmth
District heating systems can efficiently turn waste into useful warmth during cold weather.
Energy Efficiency Enthusiasts Make it Rain Indoors
Figuring out how buildings lose heat and energy.
Wind Turbines in the Sky Will Power Remote Regions
Turbines mounted on inflatable balloons bring renewable electricty anywhere with wind.
A Brief History of Wind Turbines
Three blades may be common, but there are many ways to design turbines.
Powered by Sunshine, Funded by Everyone
Putting solar panels on school roofs has widers benefits for their communities and kids.
DIY Solar Panels Make More Than Energy
Community workshops put renewable energy in the hands of everyone.